Thursday, November 10, 2011

Aren't you Afraid?

Aren’t you afraid? It’s a question most all of my friends, family and new acquaintances ask when they find out I’m living in Arivaca. They ask if I’m afraid to be alone, or of migrants or drug traffickers. They ask if I’m afraid of snakes, or of being far from a city and the luxuries of city life, or of not having a TV.

No I’m not afraid of being alone in rural Arizona in the desert. Nor of migrants or drug traffickers. I don’t mind snakes or being far from the city or not having a TV.

But yes, I’m afraid.

For our country, my people, and all those who try to come here. I’m afraid for them to feel the fear I experience driving with more border patrol cars than any other vehicles on the road some evenings. Afraid for a country whose government workers (border patrol) won’t let me give food and water to migrants they are apprehending or holding on buses, but instead put their hands on their guns when I approach. So yes, to answer the question, I am afraid. Not of being alone, but rather of being all to well “protected”.

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